What EMC is About EMC stands for Elite Macintosh Community. This file is distibuted within the community and is meant to inform all of us of new releases, tricks, tactics, and any other points of interest on the Mac. What you will find in these issues: • People who know what they're talking about • Quality hints & tips in the "Articles" section • Advice on which software is the best, which isn't (when comparing similar programs) • Helpful information What you will not find in these issues: • Lameness • 10 year olds trading k-rad 31337 w@r3Z SiTeZ, d00d <-- We hate this. • ANYONE supporting MS products In the PC community there are several issues all about the latest releases, game reviews, software reviews from the elite users. Since the Mac community has NOTHING like this, I figured it was about time, we deserve something like this.